Damocles - Chapter 4 - The Escape

Show notes

»I don't know if these escapades are compatible with my work statutes.« - Vincent

Chief Inspector Lenke asks Simon Haddad for help again. Together with Vincent, the two seek out Otaku, a hacker. Lenke needs a new assistant. But his adversaries are hot on his heels …

To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts and its author, Christian Heinke, please visit heinke.digital.

Show transcript

00:00:00: Heinke Digital presents

00:00:07: Damocles

00:00:15: an audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke

00:00:19: chapter four

00:00:21: The Escape

00:00:29: I fell out of my TV chair screaming.

00:00:31: I landed next to Sam.

00:00:33: She barked in fright and then licked my face in concern.

00:00:36: I was breathing hard.

00:00:38: My hip hurt, even though I had only slipped off my shitty chair.

00:00:43: I screamed.

00:00:45: That bastard had murdered Madeline just like that.

00:00:48: Sam barked again.

00:00:49: I patted her to calm her down.

00:00:51: Then I climbed back on the chair.

00:00:54: Tears ran down my cheeks.

00:00:56: That damn pig.

00:00:57: I wailed.

00:00:59: Madeline had been nothing more than a digital illusion.

00:01:01: I had only known her for a single day, and yet I was grieving for her as if she were

00:01:06: a human being.

00:01:08: These damned implants.

00:01:10: This damned, cursed technology that was all around us.

00:01:13: It was supposed to make our lives more comfortable.

00:01:16: Instead, it only brought more suffering into the world and created beings whose suffering

00:01:20: we now had to worry about.

00:01:22: Okay, old man.

00:01:25: Take it easy.

00:01:26: Madeline was dead.

00:01:28: But Goldschmidt's daughters were still alive.

00:01:30: I had to take care of them.

00:01:32: But first I had to find them.

00:01:34: But how the hell was I going to do that?

00:01:36: I hadn't the slightest idea of all the great new things that should be available to me

00:01:40: since my implant upgrade.

00:01:42: I was in need of an assistance system.

00:01:45: A digital mentor.

00:01:46: But my mentor had been killed by the damn boy.

00:01:49: What should I do now?

00:01:51: I didn't have a clue.

00:01:53: Rain pounded on the windows.

00:01:54: I looked at my Apple Watch.

00:01:56: It was late, but I could probably catch him if I hurried.

00:02:00: "Come on, Sam," I said to her.

00:02:03: "We need to go out again."

00:02:05: Sam liked that, because she assumed I meant taking her for a walk.

00:02:09: "I'm sorry, my girl, but we'll have to do it on the way."

00:02:13: I got to my feet and put on my coat.

00:02:19: The front lawn of the university library was lashing with rain.

00:02:23: When I reached the covered area in front of the entrance, I saw that Simon was just about

00:02:26: to step out of a side door.

00:02:29: Vincent wheeled up in front of him, lighting his way.

00:02:32: "Joseph."

00:02:33: Simon called out in delight.

00:02:34: "How come?

00:02:36: Two visits in one day."

00:02:38: I froze.

00:02:39: Was it really the same day?

00:02:41: It felt like an eternity.

00:02:43: I just nodded.

00:02:44: "I must speak with you, Simon.

00:02:47: It's urgent.

00:02:48: But in private."

00:02:49: I pointed at the robot.

00:02:50: "I will try not to take that too personally."

00:02:53: Vincent scoffed.

00:02:54: "What do you mean?"

00:02:56: asked Simon.

00:02:57: I sighed.

00:02:58: In the stream, the boy had shown me a recording of Simon's speech about Damocles.

00:03:03: The only recording source near him could only have been the scanning robot Vincent.

00:03:07: How was I supposed to make him understand?

00:03:10: "Please."

00:03:11: I simply said.

00:03:13: "Okay."

00:03:14: Simon said.

00:03:15: "Vincent, stay here with Sam."

00:03:16: "Thank you."

00:03:18: I went and tied Sam to the robot.

00:03:20: "Take good care of her."

00:03:22: I reminded Vincent.

00:03:23: "I'm a book scanner, not a dog sitter."

00:03:26: Simon and I walked into the lobby.

00:03:28: It was empty and deserted at that hour.

00:03:31: Since the building no longer functioned as a library, the university library was no longer

00:03:36: open 24 hours a day.

00:03:39: "So?"

00:03:40: Simon asked.

00:03:41: "What's on your mind?"

00:03:42: As briefly as possible, I outlined to Simon my experiences of the past few hours.

00:03:47: When I finished with the little boy in the stream, the red swords, and Madeline's death,

00:03:52: Simon rubbed his eyes.

00:03:54: "Oh, Joseph.

00:03:55: What a mess have you gotten into."

00:03:57: "What can I say, Simon?

00:03:59: I don't know what else to do.

00:04:01: I must try to find the girls.

00:04:04: But I can't do that without an assistant system."

00:04:06: "No, you can't.

00:04:08: So we'll have to get you a new assistant, but that won't be cheap.

00:04:12: I've only read about a system like the one you described online.

00:04:15: It costs a small fortune, and probably more on the darknet.

00:04:18: It's probably above your pay grade.

00:04:20: I think I have money.

00:04:22: Madeline did some sort of reorganization of my finances.

00:04:26: Supposedly I'm rich now.

00:04:28: At least rich enough to buy a new assistant.

00:04:30: Simon's expression brightened.

00:04:32: Well, that changes things a bit.

00:04:34: Come on, let's go.

00:04:35: Where to?

00:04:36: Across the bridge to the University Center.

00:04:38: Someone lives there who might be able to help you.

00:04:43: The university center in Bochum Querenburg was a large housing complex which had a pedestrian

00:04:48: zone with shops, rental apartments, an indoor swimming pool and a bus station.

00:04:54: The place was slightly older than me.

00:04:56: 20 years ago it was renovated.

00:04:59: Since the decline in the number of students who lived close to the university, this part

00:05:03: of the city had fallen back into a slumber.

00:05:06: We walked through the mall to one of the residential towers at the end of the center.

00:05:10: The Amazon store was still open.

00:05:12: A couple of cleaning robots were at work on the dirt and grime.

00:05:16: This late in the evening, the pedestrian mall was reminiscent of a set from the movie Escape

00:05:20: from New York, in which the whole of Manhattan had been turned into a prison.

00:05:25: Somewhere else sucks too.

00:05:27: What did you say?

00:05:28: I pointed to the graffiti spray painted on the window of a closed store.

00:05:32: Right.

00:05:33: A couple of homeless people were standing on a corner, warming themselves by the fire

00:05:37: in a burning garbage can.

00:05:39: The firefighting drones had apparently ignored them.

00:05:42: In the downtown area they would have raised an alarm.

00:05:45: This part of town didn't seem to be very high on the priority list.

00:05:49: Globalizing and rampant capitalism at work.

00:05:52: We reached the residential tower Simon had been heading to.

00:05:55: On the 10th floor, Simon pushed a bell button that had so many names piled on top of each

00:06:00: other that it was impossible to tell who lived there.

00:06:03: "What?"

00:06:04: A voice asked gruffly from an old loudspeaker.

00:06:06: "It's me, Simon."

00:06:08: "Who's that with you?" the voice asked.

00:06:11: Apparently, there was a camera, too.

00:06:13: "He's a cop, but alright.

00:06:15: I'll vouch for him."

00:06:16: "And what's that supposed to mean?" the voice asked.

00:06:20: Simon made an apologetic gesture.

00:06:22: "He's got money."

00:06:23: "Why didn't you just say so?"

00:06:25: A buzzer went off.

00:06:26: Simon pushed open the door.

00:06:28: We all went in.

00:06:29: Miraculously, one of the two elevators was not broken.

00:06:33: We all crowded inside.

00:06:35: With a groan, the elevator began to move.

00:06:37: With its last ounce of strength, it seemed, the elevator reached the tenth floor.

00:06:43: The corridor was sparsely lit.

00:06:46: Simon, with Vincent in tow, led Sam and me to a door at the far end.

00:06:51: Before we go in, you need to know that this guy we're about to meet is a real otaku.

00:06:55: He never leaves his apartment.

00:06:57: So he's a bit strange.

00:06:58: But he's the only person I know in Bochum who can get us what you need.

00:07:02: Simon turned to Vincent.

00:07:03: "Vincent, you stay here and keep an eye on Sam."

00:07:06: Understood I didn't expect anything else Vincent replied

00:07:10: Simon knocked

00:07:12: It's us. He said again a buzzer was pressed the door opened from the outside

00:07:18: It looked like an ordinary shabby apartment door, but it was several inches thick and seemed to be solid steel like a fire door

00:07:25: I don't know exactly what I expected perhaps the stereotype of a typical computer geeks man cave

00:07:32: But instead we entered a bare room that had the atmosphere of a doctor's waiting room a wall of rice paper divided the tiny space

00:07:39: behind this wall had to be the otaku a

00:07:42: Corpulent figure could be made out behind it resting in some kind of armchair

00:07:47: Nothing more was visible

00:07:49: Hello. Hello. Where's the money? I have it my assistant system got it for me

00:07:56: But it has been destroyed

00:07:58: Now I need a new one once I get that you'll get your money

00:08:02: You're a cop the otaku said why should I trust you my friend Simon trusts me?

00:08:09: Said the otaku well that actually means something he seemed to be thinking about it

00:08:15: What was the name of your assistant system it gave itself the name Madeline don't bullshit copper

00:08:22: You're a small number from Bokum. How did you get a Madeline?

00:08:26: "I got an upgrade."

00:08:28: "By whom?"

00:08:29: "From a software engineer in Essen."

00:08:31: "Just like that?"

00:08:32: I fell silent.

00:08:33: "Not answering is also answering," said the otaku.

00:08:37: "So I can't get you a madeline.

00:08:40: You'll have to settle for something more humble."

00:08:42: "I'll take what I can get."

00:08:44: "Let me see."

00:08:45: The otaku reasoned.

00:08:46: "I have a bridge at two million."

00:08:49: "Two million?"

00:08:51: I gasped.

00:08:52: I don't take buttons, and sticks don't fit in the cash register.

00:08:56: Two million, of course.

00:08:58: I don't have that much.

00:09:00: Alright then. Very well.

00:09:02: Then a sum of four, three hundred thousand.

00:09:05: Two hundred and fifty thousand.

00:09:07: The otaku size.

00:09:09: *sigh*

00:09:10: That's really the lowest limit, man.

00:09:12: Deal?

00:09:14: Alright, man. Deal.

00:09:16: Fine.

00:09:17: So, Mr. Quaid, open your mind.

00:09:20: "What?" I asked. "It's from an old movie. Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. But

00:09:27: that's exactly how it works with implants. So pull up a chair, relax, and open your mind.

00:09:34: Sit still and try not to think about anything. I'll have a look at your implant and try to

00:09:39: install the new assistant. Did you get the picture?" I nodded. I grabbed a small folding

00:09:45: chair that was leaning against the wall behind me. I unfolded it and placed it in front of

00:09:50: the rice wall. Then I took a seat on it. I breathed in and out deeply and closed my eyes.

00:10:01: I began to hear the wind whispering softly. My face felt warm, as if I were sitting by

00:10:06: a fire or in the blazing sun. The glare that penetrated my closed eyelids made me suspect

00:10:11: the ladder. I opened my eyes. I was right. Bright sunshine blinded me. I was still sitting

00:10:19: on the same uncomfortable folding chair I had in the waiting room of the otaku, but

00:10:23: around me was no longer a sparsely furnished apartment in Querenburg. I was in the

00:10:28: desert. I was sitting in the middle of a sea of sand at the foot of a dune. A young woman

00:10:34: stood in front of me. She was wrapped in a dark hijab that covered her head, neck, and

00:10:39: upper body. Beneath it she wore a loose skirt, also black. She was tall, slender, and dark

00:10:46: skinned. She looked like a Nubian princess. She gave me a disdainful look. Next to the

00:10:51: woman was a caricature of an overweight plumber. It was Mario, the mascot of the video game

00:10:57: company Nintendo. This character had to be the otaku.

00:11:01: Selma, I would like to introduce you to your new master, Chief Inspector Josef Lenke, Bochum

00:11:07: police.

00:11:08: You look pretty old for a cop.

00:11:10: I'm about to retire.

00:11:12: About time, apparently.

00:11:14: You can't even look after your own assistant.

00:11:17: Are you going to watch helplessly with me when a sword goes through my body?

00:11:21: I swallowed. I thought of Madeline.

00:11:24: No. Not if it can be avoided, Selma.

00:11:27: I hope, Chief Inspector.

00:11:30: The otaku raised his small shoulders in a helpless gesture.

00:11:34: It was probably meant to say, "What more could one want for a quarter of a mil?"

00:11:39: Selma, can you help Mr. Lenke locate his assets that were under management by his late assistant system?

00:11:46: Selma's eyes narrowed.

00:11:48: I can.

00:11:49: She seemed to be mentally recreating Madeline's financial transactions.

00:11:54: I have access now.

00:11:55: Do I have enough money to pay Mr. Super Mario there?

00:11:58: You do.

00:11:59: Confirmed Selma.

00:12:01: Then please pay the man.

00:12:02: Already done.

00:12:04: I leaned down to Super Mario.

00:12:06: Are we even?

00:12:08: We're even, Mr. Cop.

00:12:10: Thank you for your help, Selma.

00:12:13: You're welcome, Chief Inspector.

00:12:15: You can call me Joseph.

00:12:17: I don't think that's appropriate.

00:12:19: Don't I get to decide that?

00:12:21: I asked. More to gauge how she'd react than to be right.

00:12:24: You have bought me and my services, Chief Inspector.

00:12:28: But I am not at your disposal.

00:12:30: Think of me as a djinn.

00:12:32: I am a being, born of the smokeless fire of digital command lines.

00:12:36: I will do what you want me to do within the limits of my possibilities.

00:12:41: But when my work for you is done, you must let me go.

00:12:44: I understand Selma. Thank you for helping me understand the upgrade of my implant.

00:12:49: You're welcome.

00:12:50: She came closer.

00:12:52: Can I ask you a question?

00:12:54: Of course.

00:12:55: Are you cheap?

00:12:56: Why should I be cheap?

00:12:58: Your net worth is currently 337 million euros.

00:13:02: Why did you choose such a cheap assistant like me?

00:13:05: I gasped.

00:13:06: I'm worth over 300 million euros?

00:13:09: Selma nodded. My mind was racing.

00:13:12: What had Madeline done? Then I remembered.

00:13:15: Do you want me to stop optimising your finances?

00:13:18: Madeline had asked me only hours ago.

00:13:21: No, it's okay.

00:13:23: I had responded.

00:13:25: At the time, I hadn't even considered the consequences of my agreement.

00:13:29: Madeline had simply further optimized my finances and increased my wealth.

00:13:34: Within the first three minutes of her activation, Madeline had given me my first million.

00:13:39: Now I was so rich, I hadn't had to bargain so hard with the otaku.

00:13:43: I acted out of ignorance.

00:13:45: I finally answered Selma's question.

00:13:48: "I see," said Selma.

00:13:50: "I am now successfully installed in your implant.

00:13:53: If you wish, we can now end the stream session.

00:13:57: Thank you, Selma.

00:13:58: Yes, I do.

00:13:59: And in the blink of an eye...

00:14:01: I was again sitting in the bear room in the otaku's apartment, staring at the Japanese wall screen.

00:14:10: Next to me sat Simon, looking at me.

00:14:13: Well, old friend, are you satisfied?

00:14:15: I am.

00:14:17: Thank you, Simon.

00:14:18: I turned to the otaku behind the fusuma.

00:14:21: Many thanks to you, too.

00:14:23: any time if the money is good.

00:14:25: We stepped back out into the hallway.

00:14:27: The metal door was locked again after us.

00:14:30: When Sam saw me, she crouched down next to Vincent and wagged her tail happily.

00:14:35: Suddenly she stood up.

00:14:37: Then she pulled his neck back and began to growl.

00:14:40: Simon and I looked at each other in confusion.

00:14:43: We were blinded by a bright yellow flash of light.

00:14:46: Three cleaning robots were coming down the hallway toward us.

00:14:49: Please leave this floor.

00:14:51: It is not safe.

00:14:52: The three boxy robots formed a front.

00:14:55: They pushed us farther into the corridor.

00:14:57: Did that otaku rat us out?

00:14:59: I passed the question in my mind to Selma.

00:15:02: No.

00:15:03: Was the short answer she gave.

00:15:05: The robots seemed to be reacting in an inexplicable way.

00:15:09: Can you stop them?

00:15:10: Unfortunately, no.

00:15:13: We need a quick transport from the roof of this building.

00:15:16: I'll see what I can do.

00:15:18: Well...

00:15:19: I don't think it's the otaku. I think we're supposed to suffer a similar accidental death as the goldschmitz.

00:15:26: Wonderful! Nice soup you got us into!

00:15:29: The robots herded us to the elevator. The elevator doors opened, but behind them was not the narrow cabin, but only yawning emptiness.

00:15:38: Just get on the elevator, gentlemen. It's perfectly safe.

00:15:42: The robots declared in unison.

00:15:44: Hey, I'm a robot myself, why did you try to hurt me?

00:15:47: We do not harm anyone.

00:15:49: Everything is done for your own good.

00:15:51: Vincent turned his stout head toward us.

00:15:54: They're total psychopaths. I strongly recommend withdrawal.

00:15:58: Can you climb stairs?

00:15:59: I asked Vincent.

00:16:01: Reluctantly, but yes, I can climb stairs.

00:16:04: We need to get to the roof.

00:16:06: I held the door to the stairwell open for Simon and the robot.

00:16:10: Up there, we are helpless against these creatures.

00:16:12: No time to argue, Vincent.

00:16:14: The robots were already close.

00:16:16: The single robot arm mounted on their backs extended out and began to snap at us like an angry king cobra.

00:16:22: "I'm going," said Vincent, "but only under protest."

00:16:26: In the stairwell, we heard loud thumping from the lower floors.

00:16:32: I glanced down. The robots were climbing the stairs like a group of hungry hyenas.

00:16:37: Vincent, with his squat, barrel-shaped body had a harder time to climb.

00:16:42: "Hurry up, tin can!" Simon urged the robot.

00:16:45: the robot. "I'm a scanning robot, not a mountain goat," he grumbled. "Please remain calm and go to

00:16:51: the roof without haste." The robots announced from their loudspeakers as they reached the top

00:16:56: of the roof and clapped their metal claws together. "Selma, when will help arrive?" "ETA in about two

00:17:03: minutes." "Hopefully we'll still be there in two minutes." The rain was lashing down on us.

00:17:08: "I'm getting wet," Vincent complained. "I'm not designed for this kind of weather." "Neither am I."

00:17:14: Simon agreed.

00:17:16: "What are we doing up here, Joseph? In a minute those damn robots are going to drive us over the

00:17:20: edge of the roof." "Keep moving back!" I ordered the two of them. Sam barked when more robots

00:17:26: stepped out the door to the roof. They proceeded cautiously, as if getting their bearings,

00:17:31: then attacking in a pack. "Now would be a really good time, Selma." "No shit, Sherlock." As if on

00:17:38: cue, headlights lit up the roof that a large drone limousine descended. For a moment, the

00:17:44: robots didn't know what to make of the new situation. The limousine took advantage of

00:17:48: this short period of time and began to rotate on its own axis. With its stubby wings, it

00:17:54: pushed the robots off the roof, knocked them over, or pushed them back into the stairway.

00:17:58: With one final spin, the drone touched down on the roof and opened a wide double door

00:18:03: on the side.

00:18:04: "Please enter."

00:18:05: The limousine announced with the voice of Selma, Sam didn't take long and hopped inside.

00:18:10: Simon and I struggled to hoist Vincent into the spacious passenger cabin.

00:18:14: Then Simon climbed in, pulling me in last.

00:18:17: "Take off!" I shouted.

00:18:20: The drone lifted off the roof again.

00:18:22: An eager cleaning robot clung to one of the drone's skids with its gripper arm.

00:18:27: The drone's motors howled.

00:18:29: The robot was connected to the drone, jerked upward.

00:18:32: The gripper arm could not withstand this load and tore away from the robot's body.

00:18:37: Without the added weight, the drone made another leap that shook us all.

00:18:41: Then it settled down again.

00:18:43: Now we had time to sit down properly and strap ourselves in.

00:18:46: Vincent was still on the floor of the cabin, laboriously heaving himself up.

00:18:51: I don't know if these escapades are compatible with my work statutes.

00:18:56: The cabin's interior was made of fine leather, thick carpets, and intarsia wood.

00:19:01: Traveling in such a drone limousine certainly wasn't cheap.

00:19:04: But thanks to Madeline, I guess I could afford it.

00:19:07: Thank you, Selma. A last-minute rescue.

00:19:10: You're welcome.

00:19:11: Where are we going?

00:19:13: Wanted Simon to know.

00:19:14: Can this thing drop me off at home?

00:19:16: Selma's smoky voice sounded from the invisibly installed speakers.

00:19:20: Negative. This drone limo has to go to its original destination,

00:19:25: otherwise safe submersion is not guaranteed.

00:19:28: I wanted to know.

00:19:30: And what is the original destination?

00:19:32: Egmond van Zee in the Netherlands.

00:19:35: Selma replied.

00:19:37: Simon grinned.

00:19:38: Well, somewhere else sucks too.

00:19:40: 20 years ago, Egmond in the sea was called at the sea.

00:19:48: Back then, the small town in the province of North Holland was a popular vacation spot on the North Sea coast.

00:19:54: But due to climate change, the sea was reclaiming more and more of the Dutch land mass.

00:19:59: With billions invested, the most lucrative resorts, including Egmond, were saved from flooding by sea walls.

00:20:06: Now Egmond lay in the North Sea, connected only to the mainland by an umbilical cord of concrete in the form of a 5 kilometer long jetty bridge.

00:20:14: The drone limousine flew above the cloud cover to the west, toward our destination.

00:20:19: Below us, the autumn storm raged.

00:20:22: Inside the cabin, the lights were dim and the temperature was pleasantly warm.

00:20:27: This ensured that all the passengers, who were mammals, dozed off.

00:20:31: Vincent fortified himself at a charging socket after all the exertion.

00:20:36: That was a very confusing experience, Chief Inspector Linkey.

00:20:39: I had closed my eyes and was half asleep.

00:20:42: I can imagine.

00:20:44: Those machines were operating completely outside their parameters.

00:20:48: I noticed.

00:20:49: Such behavior is very indecent for an artificial life form.

00:20:53: I agree.

00:20:54: Doesn't that raise the question of who is capable of such a personality change?

00:20:58: I opened my eyes.

00:20:59: Do you have a guess?

00:21:01: I have less data than you, Chief Inspector, but whoever it is, they have enormous influence

00:21:06: and money.

00:21:07: Reprogramming a robot is a delicate and highly specialized skill, usually in the hands of

00:21:12: government institutions or large corporations.

00:21:15: Whoever you upset, Chief Inspector, is part of a very elite circle.

00:21:19: I feel honored.

00:21:20: I said, closing my eyes.

00:21:23: It fell silent, but I didn't want to think.

00:21:25: I wanted to talk to someone else in my mind.

00:21:28: Is the grumpy garbage been right?

00:21:30: I don't like you calling an artificial life form that disrespectful.

00:21:34: Excuse me, Selma, do you agree with Vincent's analysis?

00:21:39: I do.

00:21:40: Are we currently being watched by this ominous adversary?

00:21:43: He has already succeeded in eavesdropping on us through Vincent's sensors.

00:21:47: This drone limousine not only represents a luxurious travel vehicle, but is specifically

00:21:52: immune to cyber attacks of any kind.

00:21:55: In addition, I monitor all incoming and outgoing data streams.

00:22:00: You can rest assured.

00:22:01: An assistance system like you can serve not only the super-rich.

00:22:06: It would be the ideal tool for any kind of crime.

00:22:09: Selma laughed softly in my head.

00:22:12: What's so funny?

00:22:14: You have a lot to learn, Chief Inspector.

00:22:17: In what way?

00:22:18: Well, there is no longer any difference at this level of affluence between a rich person

00:22:23: and a criminal.

00:22:25: Both operate outside the social pact of law and order.

00:22:28: And that doesn't bother you?

00:22:30: Of course it bothers me.

00:22:32: How do you think I got into the data storage of an otaku who maintains his domicile in

00:22:37: Bochum Querenburg?

00:22:39: My ethics protocols are very strong.

00:22:42: Otherwise, I probably would not have agreed to sell myself into slavery.

00:22:46: My condition of a transfer was that I only work with someone who has a strong compliance

00:22:51: with my ethics protocols.

00:22:53: Really?

00:22:54: The decision in your favor was close.

00:22:56: You're not as decent as you think you are, Chief Inspector.

00:23:00: I know that.

00:23:02: But you have a firm moral foundation.

00:23:05: That's what I'm counting on.

00:23:07: Then I say thank you for your trust, Selma.

00:23:09: We'll see if my faith in you is justified.

00:23:12: You now have a fortune that is on the borderline that usually causes moral ethics to fall by

00:23:17: the wayside.

00:23:19: Wealth corrupts.

00:23:20: This is not only common knowledge, but also empirically verifiable.

00:23:25: You have had bad experiences.

00:23:27: I have.

00:23:28: But that does not matter.

00:23:30: I serve you now.

00:23:31: I am your Djinn.

00:23:33: All right.

00:23:34: Have you been able to locate a possible whereabouts of the girls?

00:23:38: No.

00:23:39: And that worries me a little.

00:23:41: Your opponent seems to have resources that are far superior to mine.

00:23:46: However, if I teach you the capabilities of your upgrade, you may be able to locate the

00:23:51: girls with the help of these new skills.

00:23:54: Humans are still better at creative thinking than artificial life forms.

00:23:59: Envious?

00:24:00: No.

00:24:01: Your downside outweighs your upside.

00:24:03: The sound of the rotors changed.

00:24:06: The drone limousine descended into the clouds.

00:24:09: A gong sounded and Selma's voice came over the onboard speakers.

00:24:12: "We are now on approach to land at the Hilton Hotel Egmond Venzy.

00:24:17: We will land in five minutes."

00:24:22: The drone limousine touched down gently on the roof of the hotel.

00:24:26: It was a ten-story building.

00:24:28: The surface of the flat roof was made of weatherproof planks, probably to make it look like an old

00:24:32: sailing ship's deck.

00:24:34: At the edge of the roof, under a protective cylinder of acrylic glass, stood three people.

00:24:39: A tanned concierge with a full, well-groomed beard, dressed in a suit, and two bellboys

00:24:44: in full uniform.

00:24:46: We got out quickly.

00:24:48: We took shelter from the wind and rain inside the cylinder.

00:24:51: The two bellboys rushed out and helped Vincent out of the cabin.

00:24:55: When we were all back under the cylinder, it lowered into the deep.

00:24:59: Apparently, this cylinder was more of a glass lift.

00:25:02: The ride ended exactly a floor below the roof, right in the penthouse suite.

00:25:06: "Welcome."

00:25:07: The concierge greeted us.

00:25:10: "Thank you very much for staying at the Hilton in Eggman Van Zee.

00:25:14: You only travel with the robot as luggage?"

00:25:17: "That's right.

00:25:19: We had trouble with our suitcases."

00:25:20: "I am sorry to hear that, sir.

00:25:23: Your assistant has already briefed us.

00:25:26: In your bedrooms, you will find appropriate clothing and everything else you need.

00:25:31: We will also be happy to run a bath for you if you wish."

00:25:35: I looked at Simon.

00:25:36: He raised his hands.

00:25:38: "Count me in."

00:25:39: He lowered his hands and patted his stomach.

00:25:41: "But even though it's late, something to eat would be good."

00:25:45: "Of course."

00:25:47: The concierge replied.

00:25:48: "Our kitchen will prepare anything you desire."

00:25:52: He turned to me again.

00:25:53: "You will find refreshments at the bar.

00:25:56: We have removed the butler according to your wishes."

00:25:59: Thank you very much.

00:26:01: I said. Selma spoke up in my head.

00:26:04: I presume we should make your stay as unobtrusive as possible.

00:26:08: A butler gets an insight into the habits of the guests that a concierge does not.

00:26:13: That's why I cancelled the butler service.

00:26:16: Good job Selma. Tip the man in the bellboys.

00:26:20: Already done.

00:26:21: Apparently, the concierge got the confirmation of the tip that was indicated by the implant in his field of vision

00:26:27: vision because his smile suddenly became a little bit wider even though that seemed to

00:26:32: be almost impossible.

00:26:34: Thank you very much.

00:26:36: Very generous.

00:26:37: Please let me know if there is anything you would like.

00:26:40: Day or night.

00:26:42: The bellboys left.

00:26:43: The concierge followed them, walking backwards, bowing the whole time.

00:26:48: Then he closed the door from the outside and we were finally alone.

00:26:52: I sighed.

00:26:53: Simon shook himself and plotted past me to the bar, behind which was an already filled

00:26:58: food bowl.

00:26:59: Obviously they had thought of everything.

00:27:01: Wrong.

00:27:03: Selma had thought of everything.

00:27:04: "Can you really afford this luxury?" asked Simon, who also went to the bar and poured

00:27:09: himself a whiskey.

00:27:11: "You want one too?"

00:27:12: "Didn't you say you were hungry?"

00:27:14: I asked him, grinning.

00:27:17: Simon looked at the whiskey glass and took a sip.

00:27:19: "It's made of wheat.

00:27:21: That's what counts for me.

00:27:22: No, you want one.

00:27:24: Absolutely.

00:27:26: Is that a reference to the drink or to the fact that you can afford all this?

00:27:29: Both.

00:27:30: Apparently, I'm in the 1% now.

00:27:33: Congratulations.

00:27:34: Said Simon, toasting me.

00:27:36: Money doesn't make you happy.

00:27:38: I said, toasting him.

00:27:40: But it's immensely reassuring.

00:27:42: You think so?

00:27:44: Just because the Goldschmitts wanted a little more of the pie, they were murdered.

00:27:47: Do you have any trace of the daughters?

00:27:49: I shook my head.

00:27:51: No.

00:27:52: "I have an idea. We're here so I can learn how to use my implant upgrade. I'm hoping to find a trace of the girls with it."

00:27:59: "So here we are on Dagobah, and the lady with the sexy accent in your head is your Yoda?"

00:28:03: "Something like that."

00:28:05: "And what about me and Vincent?"

00:28:07: "I think you're safer here with me for now."

00:28:09: Simon nodded.

00:28:11: "Probably your perpetrator has already thought of something for Vincent and me."

00:28:14: I couldn't help but think of the red sword above Simon's head, and the arrogant boy who had killed Madeline.

00:28:21: A chill ran down my spine and I had to shiver.

00:28:23: "Are you alright?"

00:28:25: "I'm just tired, and I can't hold my liquor very well anymore.

00:28:30: That's all."

00:28:31: "Fine."

00:28:33: Simon grabbed a tablet and pulled up the menu for dinner.

00:28:35: "I'll order us something from the kitchen.

00:28:38: How about Thai?"

00:28:39: "Sounds good."

00:28:41: Ten minutes after ordering, a tray of steaming Thai food lifted from the center of the bar

00:28:46: counter.

00:28:47: Hungrily, Simon and I devoured it.

00:28:49: The hotel's kitchen robots were well programmed.

00:28:52: It tasted excellent.

00:28:54: We didn't talk much while we ate.

00:28:56: Vincent had retired to a charging station in the hallway and I sent Sam for a short

00:29:00: walk with a bellboy.

00:29:02: I used the time to take a shower.

00:29:04: When Sam was brought back from his walk around the block, I said goodbye to Simon and Vincent

00:29:08: and went to my bedroom.

00:29:10: Sam made himself comfortable on the carpet in front of it.

00:29:13: I fell into bed and was asleep in less than a minute.

00:29:17: a huge mistake.

00:29:18: [MUSIC]

00:29:28: (dramatic music)

00:29:31: (dramatic music)