Damocles - Chapter 5 - The Training

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»Now I knew what it was like for that Atlas guy« - Joseph Lenke

Lenke visits Kim and Jenny Goldschmidt in a dream. The boy sees Lenke. Lenke gets an ultimatum. Selma helps Lenke practice the implant upgrade. Together, they investigate the Goldschmidts' deaths.

To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts and its author, Christian Heinke, please visit heinke.digital.

Show transcript

He scratched his nose in thought only to freeze in mid-movement, his gaze locked with mine.

Then, the grin spread across his face as he proclaimed,

"I can't believe it!"


the man in the shadows asked.

"The fossil has stumbled upon us,"

the boy revealed to the man hiding in the dark.

"Lenke is here. How is that even possible?"

"He must have acquired a new assistant, someone who has taught him a few tricks. Impressive,"

"Hey, Fossil!"

the boy waved, his full attention focused on me.

"The show's over!"

The man in the shadows averted my gaze.

"Can he see me?"

"Nah, not a chance,"

the boy reassured.

"All right, Lenke. You found us. Congratulations. Let's get down to business."

he motioned towards the glass window with a nod.

"If you want the girls alive and unharmed, hand over the silver box and what it contents. We don't care how you do it. If you can maneuver the stream, it should be child's play for you. You have seventy-two hours. After that, we'll auction off the girls on the Darknet. Understood?"

All I wanted to do was go up to them and face him. I couldn't move. I was there with them, but kind of bodiless.

"Did he understand me?"

The man in the shadows asked the young man. He nodded.

»I believe the fossil understood.«

"Very well, now leave. Next time, the security protocols will be reinforced. So please try harder, grandpa."

The boy gestured as if he were slapping together an invisible clapperboard and declared, "And... cut!"