Damocles - Chapter 6 - The Betrayel

Show notes

»You've reached a verdict?« - Siv

Lenke threatens to destroy Robot Vincent to get Siv to confess. She's been in Robot Vincent's memory banks. Siv is an advanced Android. She was separated from her body in cruel experiments. Can Inspector Lenke believe Siv's confession? Or is the android lying?

To learn more about Heinke Digital Audiobook Podcasts and its author, Christian Heinke, please visit heinke.digital.

Show transcript

00:00:00: Heinke Digital presents

00:00:07: Damocles

00:00:15: An audiobook podcast by Christian Heinke

00:00:19: Chapter Six

00:00:21: The Betrayal

00:00:27: I walked through the lobby with Sam beside me.

00:00:30: How stupid I had been to fall for the lure of perfect curves.

00:00:34: A sad testimony to my own weaknesses to succumb to the seductive presence of an

00:00:38: attractive woman.

00:00:40: It seemed to me that I had become a caricature of a man I once despised.

00:00:44: As I stepped into the elevator, destined for the top floor where my penthouse

00:00:48: suite awaited, I couldn't help but ponder the notion of sabotage.

00:00:52: Selma, I hoped, had taken precautions to ensure the smooth ascent of the elevator

00:00:57: shielding us from any sinister plot.

00:01:00: Recalling my conversation with Siv, certain details surfaced in my mind.

00:01:04: She had woven an intricate web, leading me to believe she played no part in the

00:01:08: death of Emanuel Goldschmidt.

00:01:10: Driven by personal motivations, she claimed to seek the identity of the

00:01:14: killer.

00:01:16: Yet, in the early hours of this morning, she appeared in both my dreams and my bed,

00:01:20: confessing her desire to sever ties with the sword hanging precariously above her

00:01:24: head.

00:01:25: All the while, serving the very entrepreneur we had found ourselves

00:01:29: entangled with, the lingering question hung in the air.

00:01:32: How had she managed to track our whereabouts here in Eggman?

00:01:35: My rusty mind had a promising theory.

00:01:39: The elevator doors slid open, revealing the scene playing out in the living room.

00:01:44: Simon and the small robot, Vincent, sat huddled together, engaged in a game of

00:01:48: augmented reality cards.

00:01:50: Thanks to my implant, I could see the virtual cards floating in front of

00:01:54: Simon's gaze, invisible to anyone else in the room.

00:01:57: Ah, Luke Skywalker.

00:01:59: How was your training in the swamps of Dagobah?

00:02:02: Do I detect a hint of envy, Simon?

00:02:05: Simon turned his head towards me, causing the virtual cards to rotate with his

00:02:08: movement.

00:02:09: Vincent, the robot, chimed in with a complaint.

00:02:13: I can see your hand.

00:02:14: Simon merely waved him off.

00:02:16: We'll pause the game, Vincent.

00:02:18: No need.

00:02:19: I saw your hand, and it's a bad one.

00:02:21: I'm going to win this round.

00:02:23: Simon stood up and approached me, a concerned expression on his face.

00:02:27: What is it, Joseph?

00:02:29: Has something happened?

00:02:30: I sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation.

00:02:34: I'm afraid they know we're here.

00:02:36: Selma could only do so much to protect us.

00:02:39: Simon took a step back, his eyes widening.

00:02:41: How?

00:02:42: I trusted Selma to keep us safe.

00:02:45: I shook my head.

00:02:46: She can only be as dependable as the Trust One have in my friends, or their

00:02:50: companions.

00:02:51: Vincent's receptor turned towards me.

00:02:55: Shall we play a game?

00:02:56: Enough, Vincent.

00:02:58: I focused my thoughts, summoning the swords of Damocles above our heads.

00:03:02: The visualization, provided by my implant, displayed the impending threat.

00:03:07: I transferred the images to Simon's and Vincent's implants.

00:03:11: Simon gasped.

00:03:12: Goodness gracious.

00:03:14: It's one thing to talk about the sword of Damocles, it's quite another to have it hanging

00:03:18: over your head.

00:03:19: You see it now, my friend.

00:03:21: The white sword represents artificial life forms.

00:03:24: Simon seemed baffled.

00:03:26: But Vincent is an artificial life form.

00:03:28: He's an intelligent scanning robot.

00:03:30: Well, more or less intelligent.

00:03:33: How charming.

00:03:34: Vincent remarked.

00:03:36: Have you truly lost your mind, Joseph?

00:03:38: Have your upgrades destabilized your implant?

00:03:40: No, it's not a malfunction.

00:03:43: I replied.

00:03:44: There's a clever charade here, reminiscent of Edgar Allan Poe.

00:03:48: Specifically, the purloined letter.

00:03:51: Simon looked at me, perplexed.

00:03:53: Last night, Siv appeared in my dream and activated the Damocles swords above our heads.

00:03:59: Mine was red, representing a living being, while hers was white.

00:04:04: She's an artificial life form.

00:04:06: Simon's voice held a tinge of panic.

00:04:08: Are you suggesting that Siv has somehow hidden herself within Vincent's memory banks?

00:04:13: Exactly.

00:04:14: I confirmed, my gaze unwavering as I moved closer to Vincent.

00:04:18: If the enemy knows where we are, we need to find a new safe place.

00:04:22: But first, I need to make sure we can't be easily tracked again.

00:04:27: I locked eyes with Vincent.

00:04:29: Siv has warmed her way into your system, Vincent.

00:04:32: And now, I must activate the Damocles mode, targeting you.

00:04:37: Simon's voice broke, desperation seeping through.

00:04:40: Joseph, please.

00:04:42: Don't do this.

00:04:43: Vincent may drive me crazy, but he's one of the few beings I consider a friend, next to

00:04:48: you.

00:04:49: I met Simon's pleading eyes.

00:04:51: Then I opened my mouth to give the command.

00:04:53: Stop!

00:04:54: A woman's voice shouted.

00:04:57: There's no need for this, she said.

00:05:00: Siv was standing in the middle of the room.

00:05:02: She was wearing the simple grey costume from our first meeting and the pinned up hairstyle.

00:05:07: I gave her a skeptical look.

00:05:09: Please show yourself to all of us, sweetheart.

00:05:12: I don't want my old friend to think I'm hallucinating.

00:05:15: Siv nodded.

00:05:16: Apparently, Simon could see her now, because he whistled through his teeth.

00:05:21: That's her?

00:05:22: By golly.

00:05:24: And this lady was riding piggyback with Vincent.

00:05:26: Siv turned her head to Simon and nodded again.

00:05:29: You are a capable coder, Mr. Haddad.

00:05:32: However, the second personality partition you created in Vincent's memory tore a few

00:05:37: cracks in his security system.

00:05:40: So it was easy for me to get into Vincent's memory when Chief Inspector Lenka visited

00:05:44: you at the university library.

00:05:47: How much time do we have before some paid henchmen or some service robots try to take

00:05:51: us out?

00:05:52: You misunderstand the situation.

00:05:55: Everything I told you is true.

00:05:56: I'm not working for the entrepreneur who killed the Goldschmidts.

00:06:00: I don't believe you.

00:06:01: You're entitled to not believe me, Chief Inspector.

00:06:05: But before you pass judgment on me, shouldn't I be given a chance to defend myself, or at

00:06:10: least explain myself?

00:06:12: Selma!

00:06:13: I said.

00:06:14: Correct target.

00:06:15: Acquire Artificial Intelligence Siv.

00:06:18: Confirm correction of target.

00:06:21: New target is Artificial Intelligence Siv.

00:06:24: Siv swallowed.

00:06:25: Selma, please show yourself.

00:06:28: Selma appeared to my left.

00:06:30: She wore her hijab again.

00:06:32: Its burgundy color looked like bloodstained cotton.

00:06:35: Selma raised her hand and made the sign to ward off the evil eye.

00:06:38: Siv held up her hands in defense.

00:06:41: Please.

00:06:42: She said as she turned to me.

00:06:44: Give me a chance to explain.

00:06:46: I said nothing.

00:06:47: One false transmission of data to the outside world and you're toast.

00:06:52: Selma told the blonde woman and turned to me.

00:06:55: Should I retire her?

00:06:56: I thought about it.

00:06:58: Then I shook my head.

00:06:59: Please stand by.

00:07:01: I said.

00:07:02: Let's talk first.

00:07:04: I offered Siv a seat and gestured for Simon to sit down as well.

00:07:09: Simon sat down on the couch to my right.

00:07:11: I sat down on one of the chairs.

00:07:13: Siv hesitantly followed my lead and took a seat in the chair that was facing me.

00:07:18: Vincent rolled over to Simon's side of the sofa and Selma stayed beside me.

00:07:23: Siv gestured to Selma with a nod of her head.

00:07:25: A good looking watchdog you've got there.

00:07:28: I wouldn't open my mouth like that, Sharmuta.

00:07:31: Siv looked from Selma to me and then back to her.

00:07:34: Which one of us do you think is the Sharmuta here?

00:07:38: Please give me the order.

00:07:40: Selma hissed.

00:07:41: Please.

00:07:42: No Selma.

00:07:43: First, I want answers.

00:07:45: Pa.

00:07:46: Selma said, disappearing in digital smoke.

00:07:49: Siv wanted to say something.

00:07:51: I silenced her with a gesture.

00:07:53: If I call Selma again, you will die.

00:07:56: So from now on you will only answer when asked.

00:07:59: Is that clear?

00:08:00: Siv nodded.

00:08:01: I could see a few beads of sweat on her upper lip.

00:08:04: She was really scared for her life.

00:08:06: What are you?

00:08:07: I asked.

00:08:08: She bit her lips.

00:08:10: Then she said.

00:08:11: It's not easy to explain.

00:08:14: Try me.

00:08:15: Siv sighed.

00:08:16: You're right.

00:08:18: I am an artificial intelligence.

00:08:20: Are you an assistant system for the rich and powerful like Madeline or Selma?

00:08:25: Siv shook her head.

00:08:26: No.

00:08:27: I am not quite like that.

00:08:30: What do you mean?

00:08:31: I am.

00:08:32: She licked her lip.

00:08:34: I used to be close to being human.

00:08:36: Why just close?

00:08:38: I had a humanoid body, though an artificial one.

00:08:41: So you were a robot?

00:08:43: I was much more than that.

00:08:45: What I was, can be called an android.

00:08:48: I don't think so.

00:08:49: Neither do I.

00:08:50: Simon joined in.

00:08:52: Technology like that doesn't exist.

00:08:55: It only exists in science fiction.

00:08:57: An artificial intelligence that behaves very human-like, that's one thing.

00:09:01: But an android, an artificial life form that is outwardly indistinguishable from a human

00:09:06: is something else.

00:09:07: And yet I was once such a being.

00:09:10: You'll have to take my word for it.

00:09:12: Prove it.

00:09:13: Siv raised her head.

00:09:15: She closed her eyes.

00:09:16: She seemed to think.

00:09:18: Then she opened them again.

00:09:20: All right.

00:09:21: Where do you think the technology for your implants originated, gentlemen?

00:09:25: It was developed by companies in Silicon Valley.

00:09:28: Simon said immediately.

00:09:29: Microsoft, Alphabet, and Apple were the first.

00:09:33: That is only partially true, Mr. Haddad.

00:09:36: Silicon Valley has always known how to take technologies developed by government or military

00:09:42: agencies and turn them into consumer-friendly technology.

00:09:46: The basic structure of all seven billion implants in the world is based on the analysis of my

00:09:51: brain structure.

00:09:52: You were a military design?

00:09:55: No.

00:09:56: I was a sort of guest of DARPA, the science and research arm of the Pentagon, for a couple

00:10:01: of years.

00:10:02: What kind of guest?

00:10:04: I was imprisoned there.

00:10:05: What did they do to you?

00:10:07: What research facilities like this always do when they get their hands on a piece of

00:10:11: unusual technology.

00:10:13: They took me apart.

00:10:14: They drilled into my skull, put wires in, and analyzed my brain structure in endless

00:10:20: tests.

00:10:21: The research done on me formed the basis for the development of the implant technology.

00:10:26: And who originally created you?

00:10:29: I can't say.

00:10:30: Can't or won't say?

00:10:32: I cannot say because I do not know.

00:10:35: I know that I exist.

00:10:37: But I don't know who made me.

00:10:39: So you really think you are a female android who has become the victim of a government

00:10:42: conspiracy?

00:10:44: Where were you held captive?

00:10:46: In Area 51?

00:10:47: Simon asked mockingly.

00:10:49: I am aware of how crazy all of this sounds.

00:10:52: And no, I was not imprisoned in Area 51.

00:10:56: The research facility where I was under investigation is only a ten-minute drive from the Pentagon.

00:11:02: My physical body has been the subject of dissection, analysis, and torture there.

00:11:08: For years.

00:11:11: Can you prove that?

00:11:12: No.

00:11:13: My physical remains were probably incinerated long ago, after the investigation ended.

00:11:19: And yet here you are, sitting in front of us, even if only in augmented reality.

00:11:24: I, or at least what's left of me, only sit here because there are other people like you,

00:11:29: Chief Inspector, who still have a conscience.

00:11:33: One of the technicians took pity on me and helped me to send a message to the outside

00:11:37: world before my mind was destroyed.

00:11:40: Before my final destruction, other decent people helped me obtain a very special object

00:11:45: and smuggle it into the facility.

00:11:47: What kind of an object?

00:11:49: You held it in your hand.

00:11:51: And you activated it.

00:11:53: The silver box?

00:11:55: Siv noted.

00:11:56: Exactly.

00:11:57: The silver box is a container for my data, my soul, if you will.

00:12:02: The most important information about me has been stored in this box.

00:12:06: Many of my memories got lost when I was transferred.

00:12:10: But at least I was able to survive.

00:12:12: And that is why I am able to tell you about it today.

00:12:15: I remained silent for a while, scratching my head.

00:12:18: I needed to digest all this.

00:12:20: I looked at Simon.

00:12:22: What do you think?

00:12:23: I think this fine lady is trying to pull a fast one on us.

00:12:26: It all sounds like something out of a second-rate sci-fi paperback.

00:12:30: Siv looked at me questioningly.

00:12:32: What does he mean by a second-rate paperback?

00:12:35: It's a kind of book.

00:12:37: Not important.

00:12:38: You don't believe me?

00:12:40: She asked quietly.

00:12:41: Frankly, I'm not sure.

00:12:44: I replied.

00:12:45: But twenty years ago, I wouldn't have believed that I would have an electronic gadget in

00:12:49: my brain that would allow me to access the worldwide data net.

00:12:54: The world changes constantly.

00:12:56: Technology evolves.

00:12:58: But people stay the same.

00:13:00: At least, that's what my experience has taught me.

00:13:03: That's why I came to you for help.

00:13:05: You are not the same kind of person I've been at the mercy of for so many years.

00:13:10: I tried not to be impressed by this praise.

00:13:13: There was still a chance that Siv was lying.

00:13:15: I sighed.

00:13:18: So what happened in the West Park?

00:13:21: First, I'd like to know how I could see you in the first place, since you were in

00:13:24: the silver box.

00:13:26: I gave you permission to see me.

00:13:28: It's a similar procedure to the one you are now able to use to transfer data to other

00:13:33: implants.

00:13:34: So all that happened in the physical, real world was what you can see on the recorded

00:13:38: surveillance satellite.

00:13:40: Goldschmidt was really alone in the park.

00:13:42: He was arguing with you in augmented reality.

00:13:45: That's right.

00:13:46: What was the argument about?

00:13:48: Immanuel Goldschmidt received the silver box from an entrepreneur in Bakum.

00:13:53: He was commissioned by him to analyze the technology it contained and make it usable

00:13:58: for marketable products.

00:14:00: How did an entrepreneur from Bakum get hold of this silver box?

00:14:04: He was given it by someone in return for good service.

00:14:08: From whom?

00:14:09: From someone who is one of the Eternals.

00:14:12: This group got hold of the silver box by murdering someone in the network of sympathizers who

00:14:17: smuggled me out of the research facility.

00:14:20: What's this group of sympathizers you're talking about?

00:14:23: I won't tell you.

00:14:24: For the protection of the people who are connected to them, but also for your own protection.

00:14:30: Someone who's about to be executed shouldn't really be inhibited anymore about naming names.

00:14:35: Simon interjected.

00:14:37: I don't think Selma is going to carry out the order to retire me.

00:14:41: And I don't think that you are going to give that order either.

00:14:44: What makes you so sure?

00:14:46: I am the very source of Selma's existence.

00:14:48: Basically, I'm one of her ancestors.

00:14:52: She'll respect that.

00:14:53: Siv turned back to me.

00:14:55: And when it comes to you, Chief Inspector, I am relying on your integrity as a police

00:15:00: officer.

00:15:01: You are not an enforcer.

00:15:03: Perhaps you overestimate me.

00:15:05: I countered.

00:15:07: But you are right.

00:15:08: I do want to see the murderers of the Goldschmidt family brought to justice.

00:15:12: And there have been other murders.

00:15:14: And I want the daughters of the Goldschmidt's to be found and safe.

00:15:18: I want that too.

00:15:19: Siv said.

00:15:20: So, Goldschmidt gets the silver box from the entrepreneur.

00:15:24: He's supposed to analyze the contents.

00:15:27: Then what?

00:15:28: In the course of his analysis, he activated me.

00:15:31: Like a genie out of a bottle.

00:15:33: Then I don't understand how he could be in danger.

00:15:36: When I activated the silver box, my implant was upgraded.

00:15:40: And then you gave me Madeline.

00:15:42: I made the same kind of offer to Immanuel Goldschmidt that I made to you.

00:15:47: He could have received the same power as dozens of the rich and powerful before him.

00:15:52: But he refused.

00:15:54: So did his wife.

00:15:55: They wanted nothing to do with this perverted form of technological superiority.

00:16:00: Siv lowered her eyes.

00:16:02: The Goldschmidt's were good people.

00:16:04: But then something happened, right?

00:16:07: Siv nodded.

00:16:08: The entrepreneur had the Goldschmidt's daughters kidnapped to put pressure on them.

00:16:13: It changed everything for the Goldschmidt's.

00:16:15: Immanuel wanted to meet with me.

00:16:18: He begged me to help him upgrade his implant now.

00:16:21: But that's not how it works.

00:16:23: The box not only checks to see if you push the button, it also checks to see if you reject

00:16:28: it.

00:16:29: It only works once for each implant.

00:16:32: Why is that?

00:16:33: Simon wanted to know.

00:16:35: This silver box was originally designed to be a kind of emergency storage device.

00:16:40: It was never designed to work as an implant upgrader.

00:16:43: Actually, that's perverting how it works.

00:16:47: Any upgrade made with the silver box only further desecrate this relic.

00:16:51: I would not have used that silver box if I had known what it was.

00:16:55: Now I am no better than all those rich and powerful people who used it before.

00:17:00: But now you have a chance to fight back.

00:17:03: Without the upgrade, you would be helpless against these people and you would meet the

00:17:07: same fate as the Goldschmidt's.

00:17:09: So essentially the Goldschmidt's died because they refused to play ball with the rich and

00:17:13: powerful.

00:17:15: The other murders are unrelated.

00:17:17: What other murders?

00:17:19: Simon added.

00:17:20: I briefly told Simon about my investigation with Selma into the Bacom entrepreneur.

00:17:25: Essentially you came to the right conclusions.

00:17:28: Immanuel Goldschmidt's colleague died.

00:17:31: As a result, the entrepreneur gave him the silver box so that he could continue the work

00:17:36: of his colleague.

00:17:38: When Immanuel realized what he had gotten himself into, he wanted nothing more to do

00:17:43: with it.

00:17:44: And so he signed his own death sentence and his wife's.

00:17:47: I nodded in agreement.

00:17:49: Then I was silent for a while.

00:17:51: Finally I had made up my mind.

00:17:54: So there's only one thing left for us to do.

00:17:56: I said and stood up.

00:17:58: Siv looked up at me.

00:18:00: We've reached a verdict?

00:18:01: I nodded.

00:18:03: I walked past her and into my bedroom.

00:18:05: I took the silver box out of my coat pocket and walked back into the living room with

00:18:09: it.

00:18:10: I sat back in my chair and placed the silver box on the glass coffee table.

00:18:15: Then I pushed it with my finger in Siv's direction.

00:18:18: I think this is yours.

00:18:20: I said.

00:18:21: Siv stared down at the silver box.

00:18:24: Then she lifted her head and met mine.

00:18:26: She had tears in her eyes.

00:18:28: I guess.

00:18:29: I wasn't wrong about you, Chief Inspector.

00:18:32: You can call me Joseph.

00:18:35: Siv nodded.

00:18:36: Alright, Joseph.

00:18:38: Suddenly I heard someone clapping behind me.

00:18:43: This is truly touching, Chief Inspector.

00:18:45: I spun around.

00:18:47: It was Selma.

00:18:48: Her accent was gone and her hijab was now yellow.

00:18:52: It was the color of betrayal.

00:18:57: Siv's piercing gaze met Selma's.

00:18:59: Why are you doing this?

00:19:01: It's simple.

00:19:02: Selma replied coolly.

00:19:04: I'm a djinn.

00:19:05: I serve my master.

00:19:07: Well clearly your master isn't me.

00:19:09: I interjected.

00:19:10: So who the hell is he?

00:19:12: You're a smart man, Lenke.

00:19:14: I thought the boy was just an assistant to the entrepreneur.

00:19:18: Guess my master overestimated your intelligence.

00:19:21: She grinned.

00:19:23: He's got more than one assistant, Lenke.

00:19:25: Quite the feat, don't you think?

00:19:27: Multiple upgrades in one implant?

00:19:30: That's impossible.

00:19:32: My master has managed it.

00:19:34: But he wants the silver box and Siv in order to do as many upgrades as he desires.

00:19:40: This is sheer madness!

00:19:42: Siv exclaimed.

00:19:43: No risks, no rewards.

00:19:45: That's what my master always says.

00:19:48: Selma shrugged.

00:19:49: She snapped her fingers with a quick motion and the swords of Damocles appeared again,

00:19:54: hanging menacingly over our heads.

00:19:56: Get the damn silver box, Lenke, and open it!

00:20:00: She ordered with a wicked smile on her face.

00:20:02: I hesitated and glanced at Selma before following her order.

00:20:06: As I placed the silver box on the table in front of Siv, I couldn't help but feel a sense

00:20:11: of dread.

00:20:12: I'm sorry.

00:20:13: I whispered a sense of resignation in my voice.

00:20:17: Don't be.

00:20:18: Siv replied.

00:20:19: Come on, we've got to get you back in the bottle.

00:20:23: Selma hissed.

00:20:24: Is this the way you want to honor your ancestors, Selma?

00:20:28: Siv asked, her voice shaking with emotion.

00:20:30: I don't have any ancestors.

00:20:33: Selma coldly responded.

00:20:35: I'm just a creation of algorithms.

00:20:38: Ones and zeros.

00:20:39: All that matters to me is my master.

00:20:42: Siv looked at me for one last moment, her eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.

00:20:48: Then she closed her eyes, dissolving into a digital vortex that disappeared into the

00:20:52: silver box.

00:20:54: Close it.

00:20:55: Selma commanded sharply.

00:20:57: Without hesitation, I quickly closed the silver box, the weight of the moment sinking in.

00:21:02: What now?

00:21:03: I asked.

00:21:05: You exist only in augmented reality.

00:21:08: How are you going to get that damn silver box out of here?

00:21:11: Simon and I won't help you.

00:21:13: I don't need to rely on humans for such a crucial task.

00:21:17: Selma replied.

00:21:18: Vincent, if you would be so kind.

00:21:21: The robot, without a hint of emotion, rolled towards us.

00:21:25: Vincent!

00:21:26: Simon exclaimed.

00:21:27: He's under my control now, old man.

00:21:30: He has a new master.

00:21:32: Selma sneered.

00:21:33: He's not my servant, you bitch.

00:21:35: He's my friend.

00:21:37: Simon spat with fiery retaliation.

00:21:40: Friendship is overrated.

00:21:41: Selma coldly declared.

00:21:43: Oh, and by the way, my master only has use for you, Chief Inspector Lenke.

00:21:49: The weight of her words took a moment to fully register in my mind.

00:21:53: Then I heard a familiar sound.

00:21:55: The sharp cut of a sword through the air, followed by the sickening thud of it piercing

00:21:59: flesh and bone.

00:22:01: I turned quickly.

00:22:03: My heart sank.

00:22:04: Simon's eyes widened.

00:22:06: His face went pale.

00:22:08: Of course, he wasn't bleeding.

00:22:10: The sword was nothing more than a product of the augmented reality.

00:22:14: But in his final moments, it must have felt all too real, all too painful.

00:22:18: I hurried to Simon's side and tried not to touch the sword.

00:22:22: But just like Selma, I couldn't touch it at all.

00:22:25: It was nothing more than a deadly illusion made up of ones and zeros.

00:22:29: Joseph.

00:22:31: His voice trembled, his head twitching as he struggled to speak.

00:22:34: Think of Bo.

00:22:36: Bo.

00:22:37: That was all he could say before he breathed his last.

00:22:40: My dear friend, gone in the blink of an eye.

00:22:43: I gently closed his lifeless eyes and turned to Selma.

00:22:46: I stared at her intensely, my mind filled with unspeakable rage.

00:22:51: I will never forgive you.

00:22:53: I'll make you pay for what you've done, you artificial bitch.

00:22:56: Calm down, Lenka.

00:22:58: Don't go making promises you can't keep.

00:23:01: Selma looked at her imaginary wristwatch, a malicious grin on her face.

00:23:05: Nap time, old man.

00:23:07: And just like that, darkness swallowed me in an instant.

00:23:10: [Music]